Top 3 Secrets to Spring Cleaning Your Beauty Stash

So… if you’re being completely honest with yourself, when was the last time you cleaned out your makeup stash? I’m talking DEEP clean to your products, your drawer bottoms, makeup bags and your brushes? Scary, right?!? Grab your iPod, crank up the tunes, get a trash bag ready, and let’s get to work! Here are a few things to think about and a few pointers to help you along the way… 1) What to Toss? Check those expirations. Just like food and medicine, your cosmetics and skin care have a shelf life of their own. Be sure to throw it away if it’s past expiration. Also, just like with clothing and shoes, if you haven’t worn it in a year toss it out. You probably won’t ever wear it again (even if you tell yourself you really will) and you really need the space! Ditch the gross and grungy old foundation sponges too. 2) Where and How to Clean? Grab your household cleaning supplies and deep clean your drawer bottoms. Toss your makeup bags in the washer (if washable) or wipe them down with cleaner and cloth. Clean out your compacts too. Clean your brushes as well with a deep cleanser (if you aren’t already tossing them due to wear and tear). More importantly, try to clean them after each use daily with a brush cleaner before storing – especially in your brush set bag to avoid a mess later. 3) How to Organize & Re-stock? By this point, you should have tossed out the old and tossed what you don’t wear, right? Now, let’s re-stock our stash with some fresh colors for spring in an organized fashion. If you don’t have much counter or drawer space, try stashing your goodies in a travel cosmetic bag and hang it on a towel hook or over a door. Otherwise, see if you can’t make some room under your sink for storage and only take things out (and put them away again!) as you need them each day. Have fun exploring what you have (i.e. “This was the lipstick I wore at my wedding… 9 years ago!”) and most importantly, make room for some fun new items to add to your collection! Have Fun & Be Fabulous!